Orders are dispatched 4 days after purchase.
However, please note that during busy periods such as new launches and sales, dispatch may take up to 10 extra business days. We’re working as fast as possible to get your order out ASAP.
Once your order has been dispatched, we estimate that it will take 1-2 working days for French delivery and 3-5 working days for all other destinations. Domestic French and European orders (UK included) are shipped via La Poste and all international orders via FEDEX.
If you are placing an international order, please ensure that you’ve filled in your proper address.
Please note that we are not liable for custom clearance fees in your country and holding times of packages by customs in your country. This is unfortunately out of our control.
Items for final sale, limited edition, collaborative capsules, and “sample sales” cannot be returned or exchanged.We only accept returns on regular priced items within 15 days of delivery. Please note, items must never have been worn and must have their original label.
The costs for returns are the responsibility of the buyer. If you want to return an item and get a refund, please contact us at returns (at), we can also offer you an equivalent amount, valid throughout our site.
If unfortunately you receive an article which does not correspond to your order in size or color, and you wish to exchange them, please contact us at returns (at) .
UK & Brexit
Please note that after Brexit, all orders to the UK are liable for customs and duties charges. This is unfortunately one of many sad realities of Brexit and completely out of our control.
Most shipments to the USA will not be liable for duties and taxes.
Shipments of goods that are valued at US$800 or less may be imported without the payment of duties and taxes. If your order is above this threshold, we advise that you split your order into two or more separate orders to avoid paying additional fees.
You are responsible for any U.S. duties, taxes and fees that may be due under U.S. law.
Import duties and taxes are the responsibility of the recipient and are collected at the time of delivery.
These charges are not included in the total at checkout. They are determined by the customs agency in the destination country and beyond our control. We are not able to estimate these fees as they vary from country to country. The best way to calculate the costs is by contacting your local carrier/customs office.
If the recipient refuses delivery of their order for any reason, your package will be returned to us. DHL charges a return fee for this which must be covered by the customer. If we don't hear back from the customer, the package will be considered abandoned and disposed of by FEDEX and therefore, your order is not eligible for a refund.
The customer is responsible for paying for shipping costs for returning any item/s.
Shipping costs are non-refundable.
Once an order has been shipped and is in transit, the order can no longer be cancelled.